(Q) Looking back on last season, do you have any reflections?

OT – I thought when I came into the club in December the club were low on confidence, and we began to grind some results out – from where we were in December it was a great achievement from everyone in the club to get that vital promotion.

JS – When I came to Epsom there was always a belief from the team that we could get promoted and of course who cannot forget the crisp penalty I scored against Selsey in the semi-final which was never in doubt in going in!

(Q) How’s the injury that kept you out at the end of the season?

OT -I got injured at Arundel away and found out afterwards I had torn my meniscus this was 13 weeks ago and slowly I am building strength back into that area.

JS – The only injury I would have suffered would have been to my pride if the penalty kick had not gone in!

(Q) How has preseason been so far?

OT – It has been tough, James (our Manager) has been instilling in us the style of play he wants us to get used to. The sessions are well structured it is far and away the best pre-season I have attended and of course just like all the boys we cannot wait to do the next bleep test..

JS – Excellent, the new gaffer has been brilliant with new ideas and the players he has assembled have been very good.

(Q) Looking forward to the first match this coming Saturday?

OT – Yes, cannot wait really looking forward to kicking a football again in a live situation and getting back to basics.

JS – Likewise cannot wait to get onto the pitch on Saturday, there is no better feeling and I think we will put on a good show for the supporters.

(Q) Tell us something about yourself none of your fellow teammates know about

OT – I played for Great Britain at under 21 level in Handball – then as I was looking to progress COVID hit, and the rest is history – now looking forward to contributing to this great football club.

JS – I can sing ‘That Way’ by the Back Street Boys well, so well that you would
not know the difference but have NO intention of doing so anywhere live near my teammates anytime soon.

(Q) What do you do you do outside of football?

OT – I am football coach for a sports coaching company trainee and am also training to be a secondary school teacher.

JS – I work in IT for a company called Logistics UK Support in an office in Tunbridge Wells – if anyone needs some IT support just get in touch with us and we will sort it out for you, sorry about the plug for work.

(Q) Finally, What’s your music taste?

OT – Just play house music and I am a very happy man.

JS – US Rap and R & B and am partial to some House Music otherwise Ollie will be on my case.