(Q) So, Jav, I can only really start with one question, THAT TACKLE, after over 6
million views on social media, how are you? And did you see it coming?

Surprisingly I am OK, I did see it coming so was able to try and jump out of the
way, he did catch me though and I have to say that I thought when I was rolling
around the floor, it would have been much worse, but thankfully it was not.
What I do hope is that the player concerned realises that sort of tackle has no
place on a football pitch because it could have ended my career.

(Q) What are your memories of the game?

Well, the two goals obviously, but the whole game had a mixture of emotions
for me. I clearly remember thinking after about 20 minutes that I had to make
an impression on the game and then did with the first goal which I knew was in
as soon as the ball left my foot. When Wick scored the penalty to make it 1-1
it made me even more determined to make a difference in the game and when
I took the shot for my second goal, it was not my best, but somehow it went in,
and all that frustration came flooding out of me as I went to celebrate with our
fans (apologies to Peter O’Donavan for jumping on him!)

(Q) Apart from the final any other highlights of the season?

Only one really when I was asked to play at right back after our goalkeeper got
sent off at Hailsham, it was great to play in my natural position for once!!! And
obviously can now give our regular right back and Captain a ‘run for his money
– Only joking Gidds

(Q) Tell me about the Kinetic Foundation which has produced some players for us
this year?

I joined Kinetic after a recommendation from a friend and took part in their
regular training sessions; we used to be able to play against other Academies
which was a great ‘learning curve;’ for me – I then got picked up to play at
Corinthian-Casuals and then after the manager (James Bracken) left Casuals he
got me in touch with ‘Juppy’ and the rest is history.

(Q) What are you getting up to in the close season?

I am planning on going to a Mediterranean hotspot with a couple of friends, I
do not want to tell you where just in case the paparazzi find out after
becoming a ‘social media’ sensation – only joking.

(Q) Can you tell us something about yourself that we would not know?

I am really into music and like all genres which might come as a surprise to some
people, I like to keep the ‘all genres’ bit quiet from ‘the boys’ but I suppose
they know now.

(Q) Any thoughts about playing at Step 5 next season in what looks like a very
competitive league?

I am looking forward to the challenge of it, the league we are going into looks
very competitive.

(Q) Anything else?

I would like to personally thank our fans and the people who work so hard in
the background at Epsom and Ewell, I hope I have given you something to